Telehealth & Video Visits
Would you prefer to stay at home?
We realize that many of our community members have been concerned with the escalating news of the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, we would like to update you on what our team is doing to provide a safe environment here in our clinics for our patients and team.
We are offering telehealth/video visits for those that need to or prefer to stay at home. A telehealth/video visit is a virtual visit. Your therapist would be able to email or text you a link for a scheduled time. During this time our therapists at DuBois will be able to talk to you through a live video and help you from the convenience of your home. We want to ensure that you can communicate with your therapist and continue your therapy at home. Please call our office at (716) 731-2195 and we will provide you with details on virtual telehealth visits.
Also, if there is anything else we can do to be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our team.
Thank you,
DuBois Physical Therapy
(716) 731-2195